UPDATE UPDATE!! NOW INTRODUCING WEEKEND DINNERS!!!! If you want to order dinners for the weekend give me a call on Friday.I will give you my address to pick up when they are ready. all order will be ready Saturday or Sunday which ever day you need the dinners :) CASH ONLY AT PICK UP NO CHECKS THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for visiting my Internet site. As an up-to-date business, I want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with me and my offers. A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.
My name is Chacon and I have been in business for a year now baking and cooking desserts and dinners. This is something that I have always done and decided one day why not get paid to do what I love to do. my friends and family love when I cook or bake things and so do my co workers this is truly a fun hobby for me to do. I currently do business out of my home in Milwaukee WI and plan on expanding really soon to a different location in Milwaukee. I put this website up for all those who live on the internet and may be needing good food cakes or pies for themselves or certain functions and may not have known where to look or go. Well YOU DONT HAVE TO LOOK ANY FURTHER THIS IS THE ONE STOP SHOP. My prices are very resonable and you will get a lot for your buck. Please take a look around on the menu and if you see something you like send an email or give me a call. If you dont see what your looking for on the site give me a call or send me an email and I am sure we can get what you need. email> chaconsdesserts@wi.rr.com or you can call 414-438-2717 414-617-3052.
In the meantime If something does catch your eye you can reach me at (414-438-2717) or (414-617-3052). I am looking forward to hearing from you. You can also email me at [chaconsdesserts@wi.rr.com.com].
If you are not familiar with me and your first contact with me is online: I would be pleased to hear from you! Please let me know what your needs and questions are, I will be more than happy to help.
For those of you who have done business with me please feel free to leave comments in my guest book about the food or me or just your overall experince with chacons homestyle cookin:)